The emergence of another year is round the corner and many a momentous experience would again be consigned to the leaves of history as we move on with new aspirations and expectations. The month has been tumultuous and the most lasting moment, undoubtedly, has been the graceful adieu bid by the tallest leader at least yours truly has had occasion to share the planet. As channels, magazines, newspapers and others vied with each other to place the year in perspective, yours truly sought to place the year in perspective on some discoveries.
The year was essentially one of friendship. The movement to another place with friends giving their all to place yours truly in comfort zone and the reorganisation bringing back contacts with some friends in the organisation. The interim period had been one of development. One facet that emerged was one of my friends sharing his writing skills which showcased his keen thought process embedded in striking small sentences which provoked the thought process in the reader. One of the verses he had placed in an article and lingered on is extracted for posterity
“Oh, wearisome condition of humanity,
Born under one law, to another bound,
Vainly begot and yet forbidden vanity,
Created sick, commanded to be sound.
What meaneth nature by these diverse laws,
Passion and reason, self-division’s cause?”
Similarly, yours truly had the occasion to meet a long lost friend albeit for a short span in a new avatar (somehow the term incarnation seems to be woefully short in translation). He had emerged as a master in reunions. Merging persons who had met over 25 years back into a single forum with meticulous planning exposed the shortfall in our systems in tapping hidden talents. Marvelling at this man's dedication to reach out and share the treasure trove moments of the reunion which humbled yours truly with a lesson in friendship.
Earlier in the year about a dozen had anchored a lesson in leadership by bringing almost all our college day classmates together with the lecturers too. This lesson was coupled with another reunionist from college days who had singlehandedly masterminded a souvenir which showed that the will paves the way. As yours truly picked the souvenir and was spellbound by the layout, the preface - the truth surfaced.
They were no Mandela or icons. However, a question also arose would yours truly ever be able to match any of them who ventured to provoke a thought in another effortlessly? - probably a goal to set for the years to come.